Home Security Checklist
A locksmith can help with many of the items on this home security checklist
Did you know that a burglar spends an average of 45 minutes picking out a home to rob, and only about 3 minutes actually burglarizing the home? Thieves like to steal from homes with security issues, and they know it is worth their while to look for a vulnerable home rather than just attempt to break into a house at random. In order to make sure your home is as unattractive to thieves as possible, follow this home security checklist.
□ Install High-Quality Deadbolts
Having high-quality deadbolts in your home is an absolute must. Deadbolts provide an extra layer of protection against thieves that would try to access your home by applying brute force, as well as against thieves using bump keys or lockpicking tools. You should have a deadbolt on all outside doors as well as on the door between the garage and your home. Make sure you use a deadbolt that at least meets ANSI Grade 2 standards, so you know the lock has been rigorously tested to perform well over time and resist attack by thieves.
□ Check Your Window Locks
Unlocked windows are a favorite entry point for burglars. Make sure your window locks are in good condition and have a mechanism that can’t be jimmied open from the outside. Then make a point of actually using them on a regular basis.
□ Install a Door Viewer
Sometimes particularly brazen thieves will come knock on your door in an attempt to gain access to your home. Installing a peephole door viewer will allow you to identify potential guests before you open the door to them.
□Use Adequate Lighting
Having bright lights on your porch or garage can help deter thieves who prefer to work under cover of darkness. You may also want to look into using motion sensor lights in your yard or driveway, as well as using timed lights inside your home to make it look occupied even when you’re not there.
□ Consider CCTV Cameras and/or a Home Alarm
Often, the mere presence of a security company sign or a CCTV camera can be enough to make a burglar think twice about targeting your home. According to the US Department of Justice, homes with alarms or security systems are 60 percent less likely to be burglarized. RBM Lock & Key offers a variety of CCTV systems for your security and convenience.
□ Change Your Locks When Needed
Don’t forget to change your locks when you move into a new home or apartment, lose your keys, or change roommates. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your home by someone who may happen to have a key. Of course, if you do suffer a break in you will definitely want to call a locksmith to rekey or replace your locks. RBM Lock & Key provides 24 hour emergency service for this purpose.