What Do Burglars Look For When Targeting a Home?
Have you ever wondered what makes a house seem appealing to burglars? Well, here are six things that burglars consider when casing a home:
Motion Sensor Lights
Burglars love to creep up to houses undetected. If have lights surrounding your house that light up when they detect motion, this is something that deters burglars. One thing to note, is to make sure that these lights are installed high enough up on your house that they can’t simply unscrew the bulbs.
Security System
Having a security system is one way to keep burglars at bay. However, even having a window detail claiming that a security system is installed can deter people from breaking in. If you do have an alarm system, make sure you don’t get lazy and forget to access it. There’s no sense in paying for it, if you won’t be using it.
Sliding Doors
Another thing that burglars look for in potential homes to break into is sliding doors. These doors are easy to break into and unlock from outside, especially if you don’t use a lower bar to secure the door.
Predictable Schedules
Burglars love predictable people. They like knowing that you leave at 8 am to drop your child at school, and that you won’t be home until 8:30 am. Whenever it is possible, try to vary your schedule so that it’s not so easily tracked. However, if you’re unable to do that, you can try setting automatic light and television timers to give the appearance that someone is home.
Cluttered Curb
If you have a curb that is cluttered with recycling bins and empty garbage cans, this is a sign that no one is home. Another telltale sign that a house is empty is stacks of newspapers on the front porch or a stuffed mailbox. If you’re out of town for a bit, consider asking a friend to grab the mail and paper for you, and possibly pull the garbage bins back behind the house after garbage day.
Second Story Windows
You might think leaving second story windows open to get some fresh air in your house is safe, but this is not always the case. If there are any ladders lying around, a burglar will have no problem accessing the window. Be sure to close and lock all windows of your home, not just the ones you think are easy targets.
Do You Need Help Beefing Up Your Home Security?
If reading this article has brought you to the realization that your home might not be as burglar proof as you thought, then we can help! Since 1973, RBM Lock & Key has been working to keep homes in the Inland Empire of Southern California safer. We offer a variety of residential locksmith services, including installing safes and file cabinet locks. We also sell and install security cameras both inside and outside of homes, and can re-key your locks, or change them out for high-security locks. Don’t let your lack of home security cause your home to become a victim. Give us a call today at 909-980-3448 and we’d be happy to assist!